参与式声景感知(Participatory soundScape Sensing, PSS)是一个遍及全球的持续的声景调查和评价项目,2011年5月由中科院城市环境研究所数字城市环境网络研究中心发起。该项目借助公众参与和智能手机上安装的噪声计应用软件(SPL Meter)来获取城市声景观基础数据,为城市的声景观时空特征分析、城市声景观质量整体评价模型研究、以及城市声景观优化策略的提出,提供技术支持[1, 2]。
该方法至2011年推出以来,全国已有6万多人参与进来,返回数据已达133万多条,并且随着时间推移还在不断的增长。图1是2011年5月至2014年5月全国参与者分布情况示意图。最新的全球声景感知地图详见 http://pss.citi-sense.cn.
SPL Meter is a mobile application for Participatory soundScape Sensing. The application can measure sound pressure level, analyze the sound spectrum. It also has subjective evaluation features, including the sound source identification, the evaluation of sound level, acoustic comfort level and harmonious level. Moreover, the users can share measurement results with scientists to promote urban sound environment research.
Participatory soundScape Sensing (PSS) is an ongoing worldwide soundscape investigation and evaluation project that engages the public in participatory sensing, which was initiated by Research centre on digital network for urban environment, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This program collects soundscape data with the help of public participation and SPL Meter, which provides technical support for spatio-temporal characteristics, quality evaluation model and optimization policy of soundscape[1, 2].
Since the program was launched in 2011, there are more than 60,000 citizens have been involved. The shared results with scientists have been reached more than 1.33 million. Figure 1 shows the participant distribution in China from May 2011 to May 2014. The latest global participatory soundscape sensing map can be found from http://pss.citi-sense.cn.
- Li C M, Wei D, Vause J, Liu J P. Towards a societal scale environmental sensing network with public participation[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2013,20(3):261-266.
- Li CM, Liu Y, Haklay M. Participatory soundscape sensing[J]. Landsc. Urban Plan., 173:64-69, 2018.